One of the tests I’ve been missing in my pipeline was a crucial one. Verifying that the deployment finished – successfully. e.g. that the pods were updates with a new Docker container image, but also restarted successfully(!).
It’s pretty simple I suppose, but here is my interpretation.
The following should sit inside a step
// Verify deployment
sh '''
export KUBECONFIG=/.../kube-config-dal12-mycluster.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment/serviceapi --namespace=\"my-namespace\" | tail -1 > deploymentStatus.txt
def deploymentStatus = readFile('deploymentStatus.txt').trim()
echo "Deployment status is: ${deploymentStatus}"
if (deploymentStatus == "deployment \"serviceapi\" successfully rolled out") {
sh "rm -rf deploymentStatus.txt"
// Additional logic
else {
error "Pipeline aborted due to deployment verification failure. Check the Kubernetes dashboard for more information."