To make sure the codebase doesn’t get creeped in with various vulnerabilities in its node modules, one way to achieve this is by creating a Jenkins job to check on a daily basis against a continuously updated database of known vulnerabilities.
One such database is provided by the Node Security community and can be easily integrated using the Node Security Platform (nsp) node package.
Create a new Pipeline-type job with the following implementation (just the required parts, you may need to add some more pieces to fit it in):
- root-of-project-must-have-node-modules-folder – a pre-existing job folder containing a cloned repository with its node modules folder
- Packages Vulnerability Checker – the name of this job (will be created once the job is run)
pipeline {
stages {
stage ("Check for vulnerability") {
steps {
script {
def vulStatus
// Check dashboard node modules
sh '''
cd ../root-of-project-must-have-node-modules-folder
nsp check > "../Packages Vulnerability Checker/test-results.txt"
nsp check
vulStatus = readFile('test-results.txt').trim()
if (vulStatus != "(+) No known vulnerabilities found") {
slackSend (
color: '#F01717',
message: "@channel $JOB_NAME: <$BUILD_URL|Build #$BUILD_NUMBER> vulnerabilities found in Dashboard node modules. Check build logs."
// additional folders to check...